Thursday, May 20, 2004


Creation Day

With all the credit in the world given to Miguel Caballero (Mike Cowboy) for the idea of a blog, today the ZFL is proud to launch their very own blog site right here at In the future, all league goings on will be found right here at this site. In the coming days, we will be taking a few looks back at the season that was as well as looking ahead to the season that will be. So join us, won't you?

And if you haven't checked out Miguel's blog, we encourage you to do so. It's quite a literary joy. It can be found at

Goddamit. Caballero does not mean 'Cowboy'. It means literally, 'Horsemen', but it's used as 'Gentlemen'. It's similar to the French, 'Chevalier'. Fuckers.

The great thing about blogger, as opposed to yahoo, is that you can swear all the motherfucking cocksucking time you want.

Go fist yourselves.
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